What Is Neo Roller ?
Neo Roller is a cylindrical shaped drum studded with very fine needles. It is a medical device used in micro needling to break down old scar tissue and to stimulate skin cells to proliferate. This cell multiplication results in the formation of new tissue layers of elastin and collagen fibres (neo-collagenesis) as well as in new capillaries for an improved blood supply (neo-angiogenesis). Those procedures are called Scar Reduction Therapy (SRT) and Collagen Induction Therapy (CIT).
In contrast to all ablative techniques like lasers and fractional laser treatments, Neo Roller stimulates new tissue formation. It acts constructively and the skin remains intact. The skin does not get damaged unlike other needling devices, therefore the procedure will not go into a wound healing response. Neo Roller significantly improves atrophic scars and improves skin texture.
What is the concept behind Neo Roller?
The idea behind Neo Roller is to open up the pores of your skin which will act as a trigger to start producing collagen, elastin and growth factors. These two proteins are the building blocks of the skin and are produced as part of your bodys healing process.
Opening of the pores also means easy access for skin care products which contain nutrients that help to boost collagen production.
How does Neo Roler work?
Although there are no outward signs of damage, one single micro needle causes a tiny wound in the skin. You cannot see it or feel it as the damage is on a minute scale. Despite the minuscule nature of the wound, the body still acts to heal itself in its own natural way.
The post traumatic response of the skin is to produce collagen and elastin, two of the key building blocks of skin. As there has been no removal or real damage to existing collagen, the new formations of those simply add to existing levels.
Imagine now that Neo Roller has 192 needles. When Neo Roller is rolled six times (back and forth in three directions), which means over a thousand needle entries, the body is stimulated to form new collagen fibres. It is not difficult to see that over time, this will act to massively increase the thickness, suppleness and general condition of the skin in these areas.